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"Scuba Duba"
December 6, 1975
Steve is a member of Rick's scuba diving club, but he's not one to listen to rules. In doing so, he risks his life and it's up to Isis to save him.
We conclude our reviews of the DC Comics 1970s run of The Mighty Isis, with a look at a story that appears to set things back to normal. Andrea has returned to school with Rick and is teaching once again, but there are new wrinkles that affect the storyline and will not be resolved.
Plus, we announce the winners of our Isis comic giveaway.
Next, it's a look at the episode, "Scuba Duba". Among the topics discussed are the appearance of manta rays in a lake, the underwater photography of the episode and how the fashions of this episode may have influenced That 70s Show.
It's all here and we want to hear from you on what you think of the episode. Write us as ShazamIsisPodcast@gmail.com.
Moral: "We've all heard the expression, safety first. But sometimes we forget just how important that saying is. Safety first means nothing is more important than that you think before you act. So, don't take a chance - think safety and act safely."
Guest Cast
Eileen Chesis as Nancy
Brian Byers as Steve